Dancing with the breath in an Intermediate Series rhythm.
This class is designed for those already familiar with the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga. The class will be conducted like a choreographed dance flowing all of the way from the opening sun salutations to the closing savasana. David will spend time at the beginning of class to introduce alternatives to some of the more challenging asanas as well as offer user-friendly vinyasa options. Class will be followed by an open discussion allowing students to ask David questions about any topics of interest.
Required Items: Mat and Breath.
Building roots and growing confidence.
Whether you are frightened of inverting or love to hang out upside-down and whether you have a flexible back or a stiff board-like spine there is much to be learned from David’s insightful tools for building confidence and gaining control in Inversions and Backbends. David will take the class on a journey of exploration into the unseen world of Gravity and share methods of how to utilize this perpetual energy as a stabilizing force for establishing our roots, from which we can grow into inversions and backbends with greater ease and more confidence.
He will teach the participants methods to expand the front of the body and open the heart rather than collapse the back in order to discover greater depth in a backbend with less effort and more grace and efficiency.
David likes to encourage patience when he teaches. He phrases it like this: “The strongest trees in the forest grow the slowest!” Take the seeds of information he shares and plant them within the fertile ground of your personal practice and watch them grow!
Playing the edge and enjoying the ride.
Curious about some of the more intricate or advanced asanas but have felt intimidated by them or uncertain about how to approach them in your practice? Then this class is for you!
David will take the group on a special guided tour of select asanas from the Primary, Intermediate and even from the Advanced Series of asanas. If you are not familiar with the more challenging postures there is no need to be scared of them! David has an amazing ability to break down the essence and energetic foundation of any asana to allow practitioners of all levels to feel comfortable and confident when exploring realms of the practice that they find most challenging. There are always plenty of safe and sensible alternatives offered so that the student may utilize the most comfortable approach for their particular level. David’s classes are always full of valuable information as well as plenty of laughter and joy.
Dancing with the breath in a Primary Series rhythm.
This class is designed for those already familiar with the First Series of Ashtanga Yoga yet it is open to all levels of proficiency from the daily-practicing aficionados to the novice fit-it-in-when-I-can weekend warriors and everyone in between. The class will be conducted like a choreographed dance flowing all of the way from the opening sun salutations to the closing savasana. David will spend time at the beginning of class to introduce alternatives to some of the more challenging asanas as well as offer user-friendly vinyasa options. Class will be followed by an open discussion allowing students to ask David questions about any topics of interest.
Required Items: Mat and Breath.
A pleasant exploration of gentle methods to open the hips.
Tight hips can cause problems in other areas such as the knees and back. David has devised an approach of exploring the hips through slow and gentle movements, stable holding of postures and deep breathing, which all combine to bring greater openness to the hips without forcing or pushing. To create stability David will share methods of activating one area in order to relax another. This balanced approach is both safe and effective and can be applied to other regions of the body as well. As always, David will manage to make this enjoyable experience.
Bring those tight hips in for a tune-up!
Exploring the subtle yet powerful internal realms of energy.
Our first act of life as we enter this world is to inhale and our last act before departing is to exhale. Breath is our most elemental form of life and unites all of humanity yet we think little about it. The ancient yogis gave it great thought and in so doing developed intricate methods of harnessing breath to gain control of the mind and to see the world with greater clarity.
This class will delve into the realms of specialized Yogic Breathing as well as the subtle and highly misunderstood internal energy valves known as Bandhas. There is much confusion surrounding these mystical tools and the part they play in the regulation and control of pranic flow. David will share information he gained directly from K. Pattabhi Jois as well as a series of practical exercises, he has developed himself to assist the practitioner in gaining a greater understanding of these subtle yet powerful energy gateways of yoga. David has an amazing ability to convey complex ideas in simple terms. All are sure to leave with new insights and useful tools for personal practice regardless of their system.
Come and feel the prana!
Many people are frightened of or intimidated by the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga yet it is truly one of the most fun and exciting sequences! David will present the asanas with great compassion, patience and humor. This class is designed for experienced Ashtanga practitioners yet is open to anyone wishing to explore this dynamic routine. David will methodically work through the entire series offering options and user-friendly alternatives as he goes. Class will be followed by an open discussion allowing students to ask David questions about any topics of interest.
Experience a compassionate presentation of Intermediate Series.
A fun-filled exploration of not falling over.
Whether standing on our feet, hands, head or any other body part, balance can be one of the most challenging aspects of practice. David will share his personal insights and methods of finding balance in an unstable world. The class will contain partner work as well as individual pursuits of balance in an array of asanas. Interestingly, there are many parallels between the techniques used for physically balancing in our body and also in finding balance in our life. Regardless of what system of yoga one does there is sure to be a wealth of knowledge gained from this class that can be applied on the mat and in life!
Falling is optional!
Seeking a path, building dreams and finding peace.
David will share Stories, Anecdotes and Insights gained over his more than 40 years of yoga practice and pursuits of spiritual life, love, health and adventure. David is a witty, humorous and inspiring storyteller. His life is filled with colorful, sometimes wild, sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious and always entertaining pursuits of knowledge of the world around him and the wonders that reside within us all. Within his tales of travel, fasting, chanting, seeking, studying, laughing and crying there is always a thread of sincerity of purpose that anyone seeking greater meaning of life can relate to and possibly even gain tools of insights of their own from the mistakes, successes, failures, triumphs and bumps along the road of life that David shares with honesty and heart-felt sincerity.
Buckle up it’s a wild ride!
This 40-hour course is designed as an intensive immersion into the teaching techniques of the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga.
This course will cover the teaching techniques of the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. The participants will learn safe and effective hands-on adjustments through partner work for all of the asanas, practicalities of conducting a class and yoga theory. This is a deep immersion into the details underlying the practice and teaching of Ashtanga Yoga. During the course all participants will be engaged in teaching and adjusting each other through. It is a fun and energizing experience. There is a wealth of invaluable knowledge to be learned and tools for practice to be gained by all attending.
Participants should have a consistent personal practice of Ashtanga Yoga and understand the flow and sequencing of the primary series asanas. The course is not designed as an avenue to learn the sequence but rather to teach Ashtanga Yoga or to deepen an existing practice.
As in all courses run by David there is sure to be plenty of laughter and joy woven into the experience. Many previous participants have commented about learning more than they’d ever imagined possible in a weeklong course while having so much fun in the process.
Don’t miss this opportunity!
Everyone knows Mysore classes, don ́t you? David and Chris will help you out, support you and teach what is appropiate to you. In these classes, please feel free to call us for help, support or questions. David and Chris are more than happy to be there for you.
There are limited spots (50%) reserved for AYRF members, for free. These spots will be spread out to the AYRF members about two weeks before the classes take place, stay tuned for this. One week before the start, left overs will be given away to external students.
50% of the spots are directed to external students or those students of AYRF who want to reserve their spots in advance already. In this case, please register for these classes.